Jan 2020 – Current body skincare routine

I’ve switched between a lot of body lotions over the years, but in the last five years or so, I’ve found Aveeno and it’s really stuck. I use it whether I’m flaring up or when my skin is more calm. I haven’t had a major flare up in the last couple of years, except in the inner thigh area (story for another time), and during this time my go-to body regiment has been Aveeno’s Skin Relief Moisturizing lotion (the dark blue one) mixed with Bio Oil. I’m still using this mix today.

I try to maintain good skin in between major flare ups, so I keep up with this moisturising routine on a weekly basis. I have dry skin and I’ve learnt from experience that a couple days of extreme dryness can lead to a flare ups that last for weeks or even months.

Coming out of the shower, I usually pat dry – just dry enough that the skin is still damp, and then I mix about 1-2 pumps of Aveeno and 2-3 drops of Bio Oil together and apply to one limb. Rinse and repeat for all four limbs. Rinse and repeat for the back area as well which is also dry and hard to reach (get someone at home to help you with this if you can, so much better than trying to do it yourself). I feel a noticeable difference in the back area after moisturising – the whole area feels looser, less tight. I don’t notice the dryness or tightness during the day, but that great post-moisturising feeling makes me I realise I’ve probably got dry skin in that area. Lotion immediately after showering ensures you’re sealing the moisture into the skin.

Everyone has lazy days and I’m no exception, honestly there are days I come out of the shower and skip this step. It’s easy to get lazy when you’re going through a good skin period. And often you don’t notice your skin getting dry until it starts getting uncomfortable. I’ll moisturise a few times a week now and especially at any hint of dryness (where I see it or feel it), I lotion up right away, and fingers crossed it’s not too late!

Body lotions I’ve used over the years that I’ve stopped using now: Vaseline Intense Care, Cetaphil and Jergens. Vaseline and Jergens don’t feel moisturising for me when my skin is calm and makes no difference on flared up skin. Cetaphil was prescribed by my dermatologist during flare ups, but I didn’t notice any significant difference during flare ups or calm periods, and during calm periods it doesn’t feel as moisturising as the Aveeno.

Body lotions I’ve tried occasionally from other people that don’t work for me: Nivea, Neutrogena and St. Ives body lotions brands.

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