Worse before getting better?

I wake up and it's a million times worse than yesterday. The oozing has dried and its crusting but the worst is the insane ITCHING. I rub my fingers together to try to get it to stop itching and small bits of skin flake off. I hate it. I can't concentrate on anything else. I'm … Continue reading Worse before getting better?

2023 November fingers flare up

Day 1 // Nov 6 - started experiencing mild insomnia, waking up in the middle of the night. Super unusual for a sound sleeper like me. I guess I should count this as Day 1 of this crazy flare up. Went to sleep at a reasonable hour and no known irritating foods (spicy etc) Day … Continue reading 2023 November fingers flare up

Caring for hand eczema during the coronavirus outbreak – soap over sanitizer

Today is Day 47 working from home for us. Our companies sent us home very early on in the outbreak, well before it reached the western world. Having lived through SARS and MERS, we're scared here in Asia but many of us are also prepared. Prepared for lifestyle changes that are required to keep healthy. … Continue reading Caring for hand eczema during the coronavirus outbreak – soap over sanitizer